everyheartbreak wrote in supernatural_hs Jun 18, 2011 19:06
after school special, oh hell no!, oh lawd, prooooom, so you can run and tell that, oh shit, bamf like whoa, prom, oh my god, oh hells yeah, oh snap, solemnly swear we're up to no good, improving education, put your nice shoes on, something in the water, alcohol - do it right
ocean11dheaven wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 10, 2011 21:38
fighting is a great outlet, oh hell no!, balthazar, too lazy to tag, gimme yo money, oops~, revenge is a dish best served, oh lawd, sexy as haaaaale, too school for cool, too late to apologize~, omfg, oh shit, newsworthy, sell yo soul, bad life decisions, naughty or nice, bamf like whoa, naughty hawt bitches up in hurr, oh my god, british hottie, fierce~, richer than you, oh hells yeah, sexy, baltys a party animal, bad boys watcha gonna do, oh snap, fffffffffffffffffff, solemnly swear we're up to no good
cantblink wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 06, 2011 22:25
after school special, good idea at the time, 10 things i hate about life, 2 + 2 = 5, oh my god, amelia is getting an education, lisa ruins lives, oh lawd, act first think later, aaaand your results are in, i know the risks
howdy_again wrote in supernatural_hs Apr 05, 2011 16:01
locker drama, oh god, oh shit, the truth comes out, oh my god, gara is doing important things, what the hell was this, twin like things, suprise mother fucker, shit got real, spoiling things in tags, this is for meg